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Not requestable badges
Julie For my accounts only.
Julie (s) [+++] For those under my authority from a long time (for fidelity an honour).
Julie (s) [++] For those under my authority.
Julie (s) [+] For those under my protection.
Julie (s) [-] for those who deserve my kindness.
Julie (s) [-] For those who was under my authority and/or protection (for fidelity an honour).
Julie (s) [+] For those who are indirectly under my protection.
Julie - Moderateur For my moderators only.
Julie - Certification [+++] Julie - Certification [++] Julie - Certification [+] For some of my friends only.

Special requestable badges
Julie - Shop Grant: Make a review (rating 5/5) for one of my products and send me a message with the name or ID of product and the date of the rewiev.
Argok Obtention: Ce badge peut etre demandé par toute personne participant activement à la vie d'Argok. (For a french group)

Diese Abzeichen erhalten ¤Fibrose kystique (Mucoviscidose)
Diese Abzeichen erhalten ¤Cystic Fibrosis
Diese Abzeichen erhalten ¤Multiple sclerosis
Diese Abzeichen erhalten ¤Cancer - Hodgkin

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