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He is king among the heroes. His mind rises above the earth, he turns upon his own axis like the sun, shines in his own light, shares her heat and her spots. His are the dimensions of a great spirit, and centuries to come will study his stature and nature with the utmost care. ... He demands the space of a colossus. ... I can think of no being more exalted than the King.

Do you think I take any pleasure in this dog's life, in seeing and causing death in people unknown to me, in losing friends and acquaintances daily, in seeing my reputation ceaselessly exposed to the caprices of fortune, in spending the whole year with uneasiness and apprehension, in continually risking my life and my fortune? I certainly know the value of tranquility, the charms of society, the pleasures of life, and I like to be happy as much as anybody. Although I desire all these good things, I will not buy them with baseness and infamy. Philosophy teaches us to do our duty, to serve our country faithfully at the expense of our blood and of our repose, to commit our whole being to it.

Frederick the Great

Even before construction started, the Prussian King would designate Sanssouci as his final resting place – in 1744 saying: “Once I am there, I shall be carefree”.

. “I have lived as a philosopher and wish to be buried as such, without circumstance, without solemn pomp, without splendour,” he would say. “I want to be neither opened nor embalmed.”

Orginally from Newcastle but currently living in York for University, studying War and History. I often go back up to Newcastle sometimes to stay with family, especially during the holidays. Big bearded fella with long hair, tattoos, lips pierced, glasses and wear naught but kilts when out in public. Fucken love LOTR. My favourite fantasy ever. Talk Tolkien to me. <3 Also deeply interested in Japanese History, mostly the Bakumatsu which is the mid to late 1800s. I can speak/read/write some Japanese and still learning it.

I love 18th century art, every form of it. Tis beautiful and perfection in my eyes. Then again I love a lot to do with the 18th century along with the Victorian Era, a combo of those eras would be a perfect lifestyle for me personally. Happily will explore mixing those two as a lifestyle with someone who would be interested in it!

If ye ever fancy talking, just drop a message or ask for my discord (where I am more likely to be catchable, always on it.)

Wot friends?

Anglo-Saxon, Elder Edda, Fingolfin, Fingon, Finwe, History, Japan. Shogun. Boshin. Sengoku., LOTR, Middle-Earth, Mythology, Noldor, Norse paganism, Northumbrian pride, Old Norse, Oswald., Quenya, The Hobbit. Tolkien. Beowulf. Prose Edda, Japanese cooking, European ales/beer, Japanese alcohol, researching, studying, camping, exploring, reading, gaming, Warhammer, old languages, D&D, The One Ring, collecting old books, History, period films/series, historic fiction, fantasy, sword and sorcery, table top war games, table top roleplaying games, going on walks, listening to music, Kendo (use to do it), archery, Pokemon, Military History, the 18th Century and Victorian Era, erotic art, PC gaming, Xbox/Switch gaming.

On the Beach, War of the Worlds, WarGames, Passchendaele, The Red Baron, Private Peaceful, Rembrandt, Harakiri, The Man in the Iron Mask, The Libertine, The Flute Concert of Sanssouci, The Hymn of Leuthen, 壬生義士伝, たそがれ清兵衛, サムライマラソン, Sissi (film), The Sino-Japanese War at Sea 1894, Redcliff, The Warlords, Shaolin, 55 Days at Peking, Michiel de Ruyter (film), The Sino-Dutch War 1661, Tulip Fever, The Headsman

Hearts of Iron, Europa Universalis, Elder Scrolls, Victoria, Total War series, Lord of the Rings Online, World of Warcraft, Final Fantasy XIV, Star Wars: The Old Republic.

Sabaton, グラビティ, Versailles, Amon Amarth, Apocalyptica, Avantasia, Serenity, Roy Orbison, Belinda Carlisle, 0.1gnogosan, 葉月, −真天地開闢集団−ジグザグ, The Poxy Boggards, Blind Guardian, Ringwanderung, Powerwolf, Northern Kings, Edguy, Nightwish. Deluhi, Kamijo, Passcode, Sayuri, One ok Rock, DIV, Necronomidol, Sadie, Matenrou Opera, The Rampage from Exile Tribe, Sukekiyo, Lynch., Dawn of Destiny

Aye, says support but eh.

Follow on X maybe? @Daimyo_Satsuki

Maybe ask for discord?




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